Corsicana Daily Sun from Corsicana, Texas (2024)

HAITI LONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE to the Dominican embassy Port Au Prince, Haiti's "The OAS is free to act." the slim, white-haired President make "and I Haitian expect regime action to re-turn asylees. I expect then nothing except safe conduct for the asylees." Haiti has promised the OAS to guarantees the safety of Duvalier' foe who have taken refIn various embassies in Port Au Prince, but it made no pledge of safe' conduct to permit them to quit Halti. Bosch reportedly referred to Duvalier as A. madman and the Haitian called, WA8 beyond the law. Bosch would not say what he would do if the safe conduct were not forthcoming, observed: embassy muat be respected.

That 1s A tradition of our Latin American countries. I think human rights must be above any other political princithe principle of nonintervention." Bosch did not rule out the possibility of the use of forge. He said there was "a history of aggression from Haiti against the Dominican Republic for two centuries" and Dominicans could not be expected to tolerate another aggression. Bosch snid Dominican troops remain on the border to protect the country againat any pected political events inside Haiti. He Insisted reports that hiR troops were ready to invade at any time were "a littie exaggernted." Bosch" indicated worry over what might happen in the wake! political explosion in nelghboring Haiti, which pies the western third of the island of Hispaniola.

He said 40 or more refugees had crossed the boarder Into the Domlnican Republic recently. "A small number of refugees would he no, political or security problem," he said. "But if it WAS A big number, it could be A problem." Duvalier's foes have threatened to assassinate him if he goes ahead with him plan to atay in BATTERIES GROUP 12-MONTH GUARANTEE 95 Exchange STROUBE IMPLEMENT CO. Highway 75, TR 4-5031 term expires next power after his constitutional Bosch said he had no exchanges with President Kennedy on the Haitian crisis and there was no pressure from tho United States. "The Communists called me a puppet of Yankee imperlalists and said I was being led by Yankee imperialists into with Haiti," he remarked.

"But. We are talking about our own problems, I am not the kind of president who tolerates sures." The United States has flown (dependents of diplomatic and military personnel from Haiti. A U.S. Navy task force still steanis off Haiti's shores, ready in an emergency to bring out the more than 1,300 Ameri cans remaining. CLASH CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE agreements for pacifying Laos are carried out.

In Moscow, Tass released the text of Gromyko's proposed message to Souvanna Phouma. In London, the foreign office responded immediately by releasing a note from Home to ko, rejecting the Soviet approach. The foreign office issued a special statement declaring: "The most pressing need Laos is not to publicize unsubstantiated accusations, but to bring machinery of the International (India (Indian-Canadian-Polish) Control Commission into the fullest play to prevent further fighting In the Plaine des Jarres "It is most regrettable that the Polish member of the commission and the pro-Communist party in the Royal of Inos have been devoting their efforts to prevent this machinery working." NATO CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE It can be set simply by other nations Ignoring de Gaulle's nuclear policy line, and determining to go ahead in with the United States. A breakthrough in negotiationa came several days ago, when West German leaders decided they could accept a aurface ship force instead of force of Polaris submarines, which they had preferred earlier. U.S.

negotiators have still to work out detalls, Including the number of ships; and, indeed, there are still questions about how many countries will participate in the force. But officials said today the number of missties will be about 200, and they are confident that the multilateral NATO nuclear program will now gO through. -Try a Want Ad and Convert into Cash Dial TR 4-4764 SPECIAL OFFER ON SUPERTORQUE TRACTOR TIRE Buy it! Try it! IF IT DOESN'T OUTPULL AND OUTWEAR ANY OTHER REAR TRACTOR TIRE IN AMERICA, IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING There isn't a better value than Super-Torquel It digs deeper, pulls harder, wears longer than any other tractor tire. Angle-braced lugs are the reason an engineering break through which allows extraordinary lug length and depth. If in a full season's use (90 days) you find a tire other than special purpose tires that outpulls and outwears Super- Torque, just return and get your money back! Get the only tire with Angle-Braced You're Treated Fine At The Diamond Sign GOOD YEAR SERVICE STORE MAIN AT 6TH-AUROSS FROM POST OFFICE PLENTY FREE PARKING.

DIAL TR 4-8151 A Moro People Ride On Goodyear Tires Than On Any Other Kind! ALCOHOL CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE demeanor -selling wood alcohol to two other derelicts who are alive but hospitalized. In an unusual legal Thursday, Weinreb was taken to Kings County hospital, and a ball hearing was held beside the bed of one of the victims. He was held in $10,000 bail. The sales, police said, were made last Sunday- "Blue Sunday" in the 11- quor stores closed by state law. The cans containing the paint thinner were plainly labeied poison, with a skull and cross bones, Mixed with water, wine or fruit juices, wood alcohol forms a drink the bowery calls "Green Lady." It causes cramps, followed by blindness, coma and death.

Many victims died in hallways and on Bowery sidewalks, In an unconnected case, only 96 bottles of a. Spanish brandy containing poisonous wood alcohol, out of an original consignnient of 105 cases, remain unaccounted for. All the bottles are in the hands of consumers, according to the Internal Revenue Service, 73 in New York 23 in New Jersey. The food and drug administrainition, noting that the brandy is similar to that which is reported to have caused 22 deaths in Spain last month, issued this warning: "Do not drink mostiero grape brandy 100 proot imported by Briones and Co. Inc.

It contains polsonous wood alcohol. It is labeled 'less than one month The word 'grape' in the label spelled with 2 'C'. The City Health sald that some of the poisonous brandy had been shipped from New York to New Jersey. BAPTISTS A Mammoth FRIGIDAIRE Chest Freezer Model CFB-20 19.15 ca. net capacity Giant 684-b.

capacity! ONLY Proved zero zone freezing, even at extreme temperatures. And Frigidaire refrigerator Extra Slide-Aside dependability, convenience storage tool with baskets. 2 $36900 Automatic interior light, built-in lock with 2 keys. Ask about Food Spoilage Warranty! FRIGIDAIRE CUNERAL MOTORS BUIE'S, Ltd. 201 South Beaton St.

Corsicana, Texas CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE assembly when he attacked the seminaries, accusing them of deviation. news conference after him election, Dr. White anid he will use the influence of his new office to continue his campaign attitude which casts doube on the reliaability, dependability Bible the and author- of Ity of as God." He sald liberalism "weakens the individual Christian, a congregation or a denomination by eroding their strength of conviction and evangelistic Asked about racial Integralion, he used a statement was part of a resolution subatituted for the proposed message to Birmingham: "Every community must deal with the problems as it relates to the Individual community." Motions attacking the seminaries centered again on Midwestern Theological Seminary In Kansas City, where a professor, Dr. Ralph H. Elliott.

wrote a book suggesting the opening chapters of Genesis are God-inspired parables rather than 11- teral truth. Dr. Hobbs ruled these motions out of order. He sald the convention's constitution provides the proper place to lodge such complaints Ir with the seminary trustees. If their response is entiafactory, he said, they can be replaced through the tion's election procedures.

When the attackers persisted, Dr. Hobbs asked the messengers to uphold his ruling. They did, with a roar, They also shouted approval to this section in the new statement of Southern Baptist beliefs: "In Christian education, there Rould be A proper balance between academic freedom and academic responsibility. The freedom of the teacher is limited by the pre of Jesus Christ and the authoritative na-11986 Jaycees Plan For 'Road-E-0' Plans for the May 19 teen-age driving "Road-E-O" commanded much of the attention of the board of directors of the Corsi-1 cana Jaycees who met at the American Club Restaurant on Thursday night. Bo Cavender is chairman and Martin Meyer vice chairman of the driving contest for youngsters ages 16-19.

The Corsicana winner will vance to the district contest and the district champion to the state meet. To instill into youngsters safe driving habits is the primary purpose of the contest. Last week's annual fishing flesta was declared a success, both financial and otherwise, and the May 16 football game between Navarro Junior College players and exes was also cussd. Harry Hudson resided. LAOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE in his attempts to get peace talks resumed, nutrealist premier Prince Souvanna Phouma called Thursday night on the 14 nations that signed the Geneva accords to enforce the neutrality pact, The coalition premier declared the "Inotiun problem has now passed beyond the framework of internal problems and has become an internationAl question." He made the appeal in a apeech at a reception at the Czech embassy.

Souvanna's bid for outside help came after his half brother. Prince Souphanouvong, chief of the pro-Communist Pathet Lao, refused an invitation to discuss the crisis with King Savang Vathann and to transfer suspended peace talks from Pathet Lao headquarters on the Plaine Des Jarres to the royal capital of Luang Prabang. A decision on reconvening the Geneva conference would be up to its co-chairmen, Britain and the Soviet Union. The Western powers and the Soviet Union are belleved to oppose another conference to avold a meeting with Red China, one of the signers at Geneva. Souvanna, depressed by Pathet Lao rebuffs, expressed fear of renewed fighting between neutralist and Pathet Lao forces.

"This war not only will ruin our kingdom. but, because of the present state of things, its riaka may reach such proportions that It is difficult to predict if It. will not. spread to the whole of Asia and even to the whole world." he aald. ture of the Scriptures The convention clocted the Rav.

Paul D. James, pastor of Manhattan Baptist Church in Now York, OR Its first vice president; Mrs. T. L. Mathis of Waco, as second vice presidont, and the Rev.

Harold W. Seever. pastor of Dauphin Way Baptist ('hurch at Mobile, as chairman of its executive committee. Mrs. Mathis becomes the first woman to hold one of the top offices in the nation's largest Protestant denomination.

She has just stopped down as presldent of the Southern Baptist Women's Missionary Union. The convention voted to meet in Jacksonville, in 1968. Dr. Enoch C. Brown, pastor of Shandon Baptlat Church in Columbin, S.C., WAR designated to deliver the keynote sermon at the 1964 assembly In Atlantic City.

The convention will meet at Dallas in 1965, Detroit in and New Orleans In 1967. Corsicana, Daily Sun, May 10, 1968- how the weapons would be controlled, Pearson has pledged that his government will carry out all nuclear commitments made by Canada, but he has made clear that he is cool to the idea of having nuclear weapons Canadian soll, Canada is reported ready accept 8 nuclear role in the North Atlantic Treaty Organtzation (NATO) at least. In view of the recent statements by U. S. officials, in-' cluding Secretary of Defense Robert S.

McNamara, many Canadians have expressed hope that the United States will insist on the Bomarc program for Canada. Value Questioned The value of these missiles has been questioned, and many Canadians feel that it would be wise for the U. government to relcase the new Liberal Government from its obligation. Pearson made it clear in advance that the discussions would be informal and that details would have to be worked out later. He sid his min purpose ter.

He gaid his main purpose was to renew a personal friendship with Kennedy and to e3- tabligh an atmosphere of coopcration between the two governments. The number two issue on the agenda was trade. Pearson has indicated that he agrees in principle with Kennedy's program to reduce tariffs by 50 per cent. There is much to work out, however, on specific issues, and this will require negotiations by trade experts. The main objective of the Kennedy-Pearson talks is to get relations between the two coun-.

tries back on the track. Pear-" has made it plain that he feels U. friendship is caRential to his program. Other Subjects Other subjects that will be discussed are the Columbla River Treaty, the issue of Canadian trade with Red China and the possibility of Canadian mem borship in the Organization of American States. Pearson said he also would take up the problem of attacks on Canadian ships in U.

S. lake ports. The latest Incident occurred Thursday when a sniper with a highpowered rifle fired bullets against the hull of a Canadian ship being picketed In Cleveland by the AFL-CIO Seafarers International Union. Canadian vesBels were fired on twice last year In Toledo. The Canadian govornment has asked the United States to look into the marathon Great Lakes dispute.

American unions in U. S. ports have been charged with helping the Sontarers' Interna-duy. tional Union of Canada to harARS ships manned by another Canadian Union. Sun Want Ads Bring Results -Phone Your Want Ads to TR 4-4764.

Sun Want Ads Bring Results Mrs. Wendorf Dies Friday, Rites Sunday a a SURPRISE- -Former President Harry S. Tru- Jof World War I stood up in body and shouted, man feigned surprise at his 79th con in Kansas City when his ALBANY CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONB The Albany negro spokesman sald integration leaders there would welcome King back with unconditional support if he achieves success in Birmingham. One of the reasons the 1961-62. drive fizzled was division of leadership.

Asked about possibly returning to Albany, King said he had not been In contact with negro leaders of the south Georgla city recently and would withhold comment. A comparison of the drives in Albany (population 58,000) and Birmingham (population 360,000) shows many differences and many similarities. In Albany, the local leaders started the campaign on their OWn after the arrest of nine "freedom riders" at A bus station. King and his associates moved in at the request of local leaderg as the militant segment of the negro community joined in mass demonstrations. The critical point came when Albany negro leaders agreed to a 60-day cooling off period against the advice of King's group.

When biracial negotiations failed, demonstrations resumed but never regained the moment-, um of December, 1981, when the move started. Ten months after the firat mass marches thrown the city into a racial crisis, negroes showed reluctance to continue their demonatrations. In Birmingham, the drive was organized by King's staff months In advance. There was strong unity of leadership initially, but since biracial talks started there have been Indications of a split. King and his associates have said unity still prevails.

In both citles, the white populace reacted with restraint. There were no racial clashes. One key point In each been the efforts at compromise. When marches halted under 8 truce in Albany, negro leaders could not. again atir the Initial zonl.

A spokesman in Birming-! ham said the movement had lost steam because of the current truce. Whether a call for more massive demonstrations here would set diminished results is up in the air. One strategist said tactics might be changed 1f demonstrations resume. Police officials responded with A nonviolent approach in Albany. When negro marchers lay down and refused to move, Police Chief Laurle Pritchett ordored them carried to jail on stretchers.

By keeping potential white troublemakers under the birthday lunch- "Happy Birthday, Battery buddies photo) tightest control, Pritchett. forestalled intervention. He set the pattern for handling such situations, although in Birmingham the police have used dogs and fire hoses to tors. Police Chief Jamie disperse crowds of negro spectacle visited Albany during troubles to observePritchett's methods." Charges of parading without permits, Marchers, were filed as has against been the Altack in Birmingham. City officials in Albany stub(bornly refused to negotiate issues and secret attempts by some clergymen and businessmen fell through, Birmingham's two governments, awaiting a ruling on which one is valid, have balked.

But white businessmen agreed to discuss the problems. When King and his corps left Albany, parks and the City Library were shut down and segregation was almost com-' plete. The only change has been a reopening of the library on a purportedly desegregated basis --and segregation ordinances wore rescinded a8 a legal maneuver. What the situation will be when King leaves Birmingham is uncertain. But If King gains a significant victory here, then most likely he will return to what he terms "some unfinished business" in Albany.

BUG (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE small FM device was turned on and off by A sound signal too high-pitched for detection by the human ear -but "disturbing, if not. painful, to a. dog." John F. Reilly, State Department Assistant Secretary for Security, declined to say where the bugging incident occurred. The incident WAR related in "Department of State, 1963," A booklet issued by the department Ag a report on its activities.

Sun Want Ads Bring Results. -Phone Your Want Ads to 4-4764. ENROLL NOW No High School diploma esanry. What clad can you Ket today for 50 little. Pay us you gO with An officient staff to train you.

START NOW! Redd's Academy Of Cosmetology State Licensed and Accredited School of Beauty Culture. 014 W. 7th Ave. TR 2-1012 0 09 Jewelry Gift Mother, bride or girl-grad with costume jewelry from our fine group. Price "Serving Those Who Care For Over A Quarter Of A Century." W.

HOUSE Jewelry 118 NORTH BEATON STREET This Mother's Day A Car Of Her Own! A NEW CHEVROLET OR A TOP O. K. USED CAR Take your pick or let Her take Her pick One or the' other will make a Mother's Day Gift that will be remembered and used 365 days a year. Come on down to W. M.

Forester Chevrolet during our Mother's Day Specials for the Lady in your life. Good up to May 12. 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-door, like new, 10,000 miles, Power Glide, 8 cylinder. Heater and radio. 1961 Chevrolet, 9-passenger Bel Air station wagon, 8 cylinder, Power Glide.

Radio and heater. Extra clean. 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air, 8 cylinder, factory air, Power Glide, radio and heater. 24,000 miles. Local car.

1960 Chevrolet Pickup. Extra clean. 6 cylind. er. Heater, Trailer Hitch.

1957 Bel Air 4-Door, 8 cylinder, Power GlideFactory air. Clean, local car. 1960 Ford Galaxie Tudor, 8 cyilnder. Factory air. Radio and heater.

44 W. M. FORESTER CHEVROLET CO. 301 North Main Street Corsicana. Dial TR4-6591 1 Mrs.

H. L. Wendorf, long-time Corsicana reside died early Friday morning, the Hillard Home. Mrs. Wendorf was born gust 13, 1875, Fayette.

Coy ty, Texas. came to Con cana in 1018. Surviving are four sons, gust and V. Ed Wendorf, of Corsicana; D. Fred Alexandria, and H.

L. dorf, Fort Worth; daughters, Mira. Emma Min Longview, and Mrs. Glad Howell, Houston; a brother, Schier. Galveston; 11 grandch dren, 12 great-children and oth relatives.

Funeral services will be from the Corley Chapel sima at 2 p. m. with burial In Os wood cemetery. The rites will be conduct by Rev. Floyd A.

Boulwa pastor of the First Methad church. Grandsons will be pallbeare Captain Truman." (AP Wire- PEARSON CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE ed 8. desire to heal the differences which developed under Conservative Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker. He expressed hope that the two days of talks between hint and Kennedy would "strengthen the friendly and durable feelings between our two peoplea." Pearson and Kennedy took off by helicopter for Port after the brief airport ceremonies.

The two leaders were spend most of today and Saturday reviewing the issues which have built up friction (between the two countries during the past six years. Pearson has had similar talks with British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan in London, as part of his announced program of trying to restore Ca(nada's prestige in world affairs. At Lowest Polnt The meeting between Kennedy and Pearson finds relations between the United States and Canada at the lowest point in years. Former Prime Minister John Dietenbaker was highly critical of the United Stutes on many questions, and he ran in the recent election campaign on an anti-American platform. The outstanding issue before Kennody and Pearson Is whether Canada will accept nuclear wArheads for the Bomarc-B minailes on launching pads at two Canadian bases.

Diofenbaker agreed in 1958 to accept nuclear wenpons, but Canada land the United Slates never reached An agreement Ag Mrs. Thompson Dies Friday Mrs. A. L. Thompson, 720 Not Twenty- home Third Friday street, died at morning.

Surviving are a brother, Elrod, Amarillo; three sista Mrs. Mrytle, Williams, Abilen Mrs. Hanks, Palestine; a Mrs. Laura Hammond, Wich Falls, and other relatives. Mrs.

Thompson had been invalid for four years. Funeral services will be i from the Corley Chapel burial in Resthaven Memor Park, but arrangements had been completed carly Friday at ernoon. Texas Cotton Value Lower AUSTIN (P) cotton crop brought in $809-1 lion to the state's producers, million less than the prowl year, the U.S. Department Agriculture reported today, Final ginnings totaled bales, one per cent under 1961 crop and the second. est sinco the all-tinie high million bales In 1949.

CHANGE P.S. ENVOYS OSLO, Norway, May 10 UP Assistant foreign minister Ha Engen was appointed Norway ambassador to Washington? The present Washingt ambassador, Paul Gruda Ko will move to Bonn, and the' sent Bonn ambassador, Heralob Vogt will go to Cop hagen. The Copenhagen post; vacant before this appointing -Try a Want Ad and It Into Cash Dial TR.

Corsicana Daily Sun from Corsicana, Texas (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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