Perfume Feminino Pure XS Paco Rabanne - Eau de Parfum - 80ml (2024)

Perfume Feminino Pure XS Paco Rabanne - Eau de Parfum - 80ml (1)

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  • Feminino
  • Perfumes

Código: 196975613611

12x de R$ 48,92

R$ 500,00

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  • R$ 500,00 Perfume Feminino Pure XS Paco Rabanne - Eau de Parfum - 80ml (3)

* Este prazo de entrega está considerando a disponibilidade do produto + prazo de entrega.

Pure XSé o excesso em seu estado mais puro. Um Floral Oriental selvagem e provocante de Paco Rabanne, com a eletrizante Emily Ratajkowski. Ylang-ylang para os brutos, os indomados, inflamam os sentidos. Um estouro de pipoca. Hilariante, explosiva. Excesso em seu estado mais puro! O Perfume Pure XS Eau de Parfum de Paco Rabanne é um selvagem floral oriental provocante. Representa o excesso para sentir seu sex appeal. Tão intoxicante quanto intrigante, sua fragrância cativa, acelera e aumenta os sentidos. A origem da obsessão começa com ylang-ylang, seguido por baunilha quente e uma nota de pipoca intrigante que desperta a paixão. Contém ainda ambreta, sândalo, flor de laranjeira, pêssego, madeira de âmbar, almíscar branco e coco. O frasco é de vidro escultural, com bordas arrojadas para um fascínio confiante. É envolvido por uma serpente dourada, contrastada pelo líquido rosa e os tons que vão de cinza a preto. É puro desejo.

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12x de R$ 48,92

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Comprar Disponibilidade: Imediata Aproveite! Resta apenas 1 unidade

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Perfume Feminino  Pure XS Paco Rabanne - Eau de Parfum - 80ml (2024)


What does Paco Rabanne Pure XS for her smell like? ›

A floral fragrance with explosive sensuality. The ylang flower releases its carnal instinct into the leathery warmth of vanilla.

How long does pure XS perfume last? ›

The duration and wake is moderate high in both cases, the first impression is that it will be longer, but no, it sits on the skin and decreases progressively until about 6 hours or so, then you can continue feeling something else, but now it would be necessary to put the nose well to perceive it and that does not count ...

When to use pure XS? ›

Wearing Paco Rabanne Pure XS EDT is a luxurious and sensual experience. The fragrance is perfect for evening events, special occasions, and romantic dates. It's a scent that is sure to make a lasting impression, so it's perfect for those who want to make a statement.

Why is Paco Rabanne so popular? ›

Rabanne rose to prominence as an enfant terrible of the fashion world in the 1960s with his use of unconventional materials such as metal and plastic in his clothing, and for his incorporation of futuristic elements in his designs, gaining notoriety for his space-age style.

Is Pure XS perfume for men? ›

A fresh scent, burning, obsessive. Notes of ginger and vanilla that leaves a feral and haunted trail. Pure XS perfume for men, excess in its purest form.

Is Paco Rabanne perfume a luxury brand? ›

While Rabanne already offers popular fragrances in the prestige bracket such as 1 Million and Invictus, which are under $150 for their smaller sizes, La Collection Rabanne scents sit firmly in the niche luxury price band, with a 125ml bottle retailing for $315.

How many sprays are in 1 mL? ›

1 ml of perfume is the equivalent to 12 sprays on average. Depending on how hard you press the perfume pump, 1ml can equal 8 to 15 sprays.

How long does a 50 mL perfume last? ›

Duration of a 50ml Perfume Bottle

Eau de Parfum: Approximately 200-250 applications, translating to 1-2 months of daily use. Eau de Toilette: Roughly 150-200 applications, lasting around 1 month with daily wear. Eau de Cologne: About 100-150 applications, providing fragrance for up to a month with regular use.

Where to spray perfume? ›

Common pulse points include:
  • Wrists: Apply perfume on your wrists by spritzing gently. ...
  • Neck: Lightly spray perfume on the base of your throat and behind your ears.
  • Inside Elbows: This spot emanates heat, intensifying the fragrance subtly.
  • Behind Knees: Applying perfume here will release scent as you move.
Oct 20, 2023

What season is Paco Rabanne Pure XS? ›

Paco Rabanne Pure XS Eau De Toilette is a vibrant, sweet and fresh oriental that possesses two sensations in excess: freshness and warmth in acting in unison. Notes of mouth watering ginger, burning myrrh and hot vanilla create a sexy, seductive and desirable scent that is ideal for winter or night time use.

What is the meaning of pure XS? ›

The new fragrance Pure XS (Pure Excess) emphasizes the similarity of the words excess and sex in its advertising campaign, which was also the case with the original edition Paco Rabanne XS from 1993.

What are the notes in Paco Rabanne Pure XS? ›

The formula contains an explosion: ylang-ylang, vanilla, popcorn note, sandalwood, ambrette seeds, coconut, peach, orange blossom, white musk, amberwood, vanilla and ambrette.

Which celebrity wears Paco Rabanne? ›

Cardi B is giving off Joan of Arc vibes in with Grammys 2023 wardrobe change. After the "Up" rapper walked the carpet in a form-fitting Gaurav Gupta gown fresh off the Paris runway, she changed into an even more dramatic metallic look to honor late Spanish designer Paco Rabanne.

Is Paco Rabanne worth it? ›

When you buy a bottle of Paco Rabanne fragrance, you know that you are going to get a quality product. Also, many appreciate the fragrance lasts for a long time. Don't forget that a long-lasting perfume offers excellent value for money. There is a Paco Rabanne fragrance for every age group, man or woman.

Does Paco Rabanne last long? ›

How Long Does 1 Million Parfum Last? The Parfum concentration means this fragrance will last around 4-6 hours on the skin.

Is Paco Rabanne Pure XS sweet? ›

Product details. Pure XS Eau de Toilette for men by Rabanne, raises the tension and disorients the senses. Expect the unexpected. A fresh scent, with notes of ginger and sweet vanilla.

What does Paco Rabanne Black XS for Her smell like? ›

What does Black XS for Her smell like? The scent is warm and creamy making you think of paradise beaches. Ylang-ylang mixes well with flowery petals and green fruity nuances. A slightly warm popcorn scent provides the finishing note.

Is Paco Rabanne Pure XS a winter fragrance? ›

Description. Paco Rabanne Pure XS is a warm spicy, sweet, magnetic and vanilla base gourmandise fragrance. It is a great winter perfume for men for a night out and a party.

What does Paco Rabanne Paco smell like? ›

Lemon, tea, and mandarin notes dominate the fragrance, supported by top notes of pine and coriander. Heart notes of cyclamen, jasmine, and lavender.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.