The Daily Republican from Monongahela, Pennsylvania (2024)

any siepuaoJiicsiiDi VOL 7. XO 2 1 91. MONOMiAHELA CITY. PA, MONDAY. JULY 9.

ISSSl Price Tw Celts. I he 7Tv OTl TTv THE REPUBLICAN. Tlx- Kailroa.I. TL McK- B- K. R.

is having mum. troubttf in setting through the JL 4 I A Sr Vr A W. J- AWASDU. AS. B.




PICNICS. FESTIVALS AND EXCL USION'S SUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICE. 115 Second Street, MONONGAHELA CITY. Tie mot iBt-fvtin ami exciting -fir 4 lull tut-r Iiirl in tlm rily tfc I at AtLk-tw Park, iki Saturday aiVn. Utw--n tb l4us tram, anil IIh Mi.

iv I tak IJIut-. Tl- Win- ha iTar. on. lialnl any club in the umt all-y fr a jrain and a iuat-h ai finally arranj-J lib the team Ux Saturday fttTnKn. AUmiI two rntiiu atk aluiir-ToftlN w-nt to tbe to willies tin- o.nt.M.

an. I thy had the of th tin-t raiiM vT in the tv. Sm th anl Slinn were at the uU for the Imiiim r-Iub, and tlifir lattery waaliiMst K-rf-tion. TIm-v workt-d ior-ther like a harm. ami were uiNrtiI hy the lioM.

MitehU and Kdward olliciaU-l a lottery for the oitNsiiig team, and iiit a jkJ ganu. The home team were strengthened by Italhraith at third, and Kern at thort, of whom il.iyed an elegant jjatue. 'OKB KT IWIV.V l-itliht Kr-rr 1.VAI MtlLtlftlll. Mononfraheln Division Time Card F.ATF-RX KTAXDAICO TIME. Krwa ftiiaharct.

la Uaiiiii. 7e in Hmf4. UnftHburc W. Bellevemoa California Dnlontowa. 7C 7 p.m.

7:2 7:35 I 12 nn 17 II 1:1 I I 7:13 7:23 li :47 m. p. in. m. Vraai I nlnaUw to Plttebarh.

Lf ATI Oallfornla Bllevem-Mi i. m. a. m. p.

m. I 3:10 4: 6:12 10:451 4:43 6:23 6:44 11:19 5:16 5:41 6:17 :47 Mmioiig'la City. 7:12 7:58 12:40 :22 1:03 5:16 6:17 W. ilrvburg ilrue.taad 4.rr. l1ttburfli 6:47 7:16 a.

9:00 1:40 7:40 a. m. p. in. p.

m. l. nt 8undav Train leaves Brownsville at 7 .40 a. m. 'Monongahela City at 8.40.

arriviiiR at 1'iits-burgh at 10.31 a. m. Iteturninff leaves fltts-burRh at 1.01 p. arrives Mononnahela 2.M, Brownsville 4.00 p. m.

Tickets sold and baKK.iire checked to points east on the Pennsylvania Kailroad. Kor rates of tare, time tables, call on Aent, Division, or address TII03. K. iVATT, Pass. Agent, We' rn l)is trict, 7 I'lfth Avenue, Pittsburgh.

Pa, F.OKllliL, Agent. Monongahela City. Pa. I AM l.MOltK ii. OHIO It.

K. WhfHing and Pittsbiirs; Division. Trams arrive and depart Eastern Standard Time. OOINfl WEST T.BAVKS. FINLEY VILLK AK.

WASH'TON 8-27 a. m. liifll a. m. 11:18 a.m.

4:40 pm 5:25 pm 6:31 pin 7:25 pm, 10:00 pm PITTS no 7i33 a. in. a. m. 3:35 111 GOING EAST LEAVES.

FINLBTVILI.E AR.PITT3EURG 7:45 am 8:15 a 10:30 am 11:30 a 111 4:01 pin 8:10 pin 9:00 pm. WASHINGTON 6:12 a III 6:25 a in 0:40 a in 3:13 in Those marked with a star run also on Sunday the others do not. (Ml AS, O. SCUM, General Pass. Agent.


Trains between Pittsburg and Washington, Central Time, which is one hour slower than Kastern Standard. Schedule iu effect May Hth, 18SS Leave Pittsburgh: 5:55 a.m. 8:35 a.m. 1:55 p.m, 3.30 p.m. 4:55 p.m.

Arrive Washington: :45 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 3:40 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 6:15 Leave Washington: 5:0,5 a.m.

6:30 a.m. 8:35 a. m. 12 :55 p.m. Arrive Pittsburgh 6:55 a.m.

7:50 a.m. 9:55 a.m. p.m. 6:20 p.m. All trains daily except Sunday.

LOCAL NEW Prof. P. A. Sbaner, has been re elected jirincipnl of the West Newton public schools. Quite a number of ladies were interested spectators at the ball gammon Saturday, and thoroughly enjoyed the contest.

The bracelet advertised lost, has been returned; so also the bank certificate, and both advertisem*nts withdrawn. The water works system can never be a success like the Crall well ami the Dry Run well, it was begun on Friday The liackets are now making trips to No. Lock three tinius per week, tor the shippers in upper neeoinmodatiou of Greene county. Mrs. W.

A. Irwin. T. I). Samjile and wife, of VVnshinuton, the guests of Mr.

Forsvtlio, left, on Saturday for hom*o, and saying that MonoiiKHliela was a dear delightful place, to visit. The meetings of he Women's Christian temperance Union will be discontinued during the month of July, unless specially called by the President. By order of w. c. t.

r. The State Council of the Jr. O. U. A.

M. will convene at Wilkes Barre next week. Slur of the Valley Council, of this city, will bo represented by Messrs. llustav Schuaf and L. Flint.

The council of Mt. Pleasant has accepted tho oiler of tho Mt. Pleasant Water Com pany, to put in tire plugs, at the rate of each, for the first fitty plugs. Mr. Will Henry, for a coujdo of years past, employed in tne niachite shops of the Manufacturing Company, left yesterday for Washinglon.Pa., where ho hasaecepted a position with a nrin in that town.

The stock of the Lotus base hull clul went up about loo per cent, after the game on Saturday. iot only toe noys tuem selves, hut the citizens generally wen highly elated over the victory. Miss Mtitlio McConnell, formerly of this city, hits entered the lecture Held, and speaks to-night at Allegheny on Woman's Call. Daniel Harrison, of Ihniticsnc, a liinl of the law in Allegheny county, spent Sunday wif li Ins iriend Hurry llluinis Ihird ward. Members of T.

tire requested to meet at, Marked hall on iiesdov ev ening at sharp, to re-organize Tor coining season. Tims. Rov, Pres'l, Cwuisin opfty at KeynoMton. A few Jav ago a survey was niaae inrongu oiue uf Mr. t'orin niertv which he i-laifiNI was not mentioned in the UiimI.

This new survey was across a tine tield of oats, and on Saturday the company, through Foreman Stratton. ut down a patch through the oats, and put the plow teams to work. Mr. observing the actions went out to the tield and seizing the horse's head endeavored to lead them out of the tield. The foreman.

Stratton. thereupon caught hold of Mr. C'oiirsin and handled him in a very rough manner. Mr. Coursin made information before 'Sjuire McMarlin against Stratton for assault and battery, and also against Stratton and a negro emp'oyi-e, named Jones- for malicious tresspass.

Coal Centre. Jixv 7. The Cumberland Presbyterian Congregation of this place, has been holding a festival and scries of entertainments this week in Md Fellows Hall. The festival part of the programme fully sustained the high reputation of the ladies of the two towns in cookery. The entertainments are different every evening, and are of an order highly creditable to the performers.

Kev. silveus is au untiring worker for the success of every undertaking for the benefit of his church, and the congregation follows his lead with an earnestness that displays full confidence in his management. So far the affair has been a grand success in every particular, x- Notable Heaths. Dr. Abraham 'J'.

Lowe died at Ash-biiriiham, Mass hu-elts, on Wednesday, at the age of 'J-' years. He was the oldest living representative of the Legislature of Massachusetts and of the graduates of Dartmouth College, and was also the oldest living Mason in the Unite States. The obsequies of the late Vicar Gen eral Conway, of Chicago, took place Thursday, in the Cathedral in that city. Tw bishops. 2U0 priests and -lOiK) laymen were present.

Archbishop Feehan delivered the funeral oration. A Card of Thanks. Whereas, our son. Ceorge William Tillot son, lost his leg in the bank about a year ago; and whereas, by the kindness of a generous donation from the public, he has been furnished with money to buy an artificial limb, which he now has, and is thereby enabled to go about once more, now therefore, we desire to thank his kind friends and well wishes for their generous action to him and to us. We will not soon forget the kindness.

Joseph Tii.i.otson, Kmii.y Tii.i.otson. The conduct of one of the players of the Shire Oaks club at the ball game on Saturday, was anything but gentlemanly. The foul laiifuage and boislerous swearing ho indulged in was entirely uncalled for, anil a repetition of such an olleuoe, by any person, should meet with ejectment from the grounds. It is to the interest of tho home team that the conduct of visitors should be such as not to offend, and a rigid enforcement of good behavior, will do much to olevate the game in this city. Mary, daughter of Kev.

W. O. Campbell, lias been pleasantly visiting at Capt. Abrams. Mrs.

Dr. Thomas Scott and babe have been visiting at father (irahani' Fourth of July week. A fine shorthorn cow, the property of Isaac VauVoorhis, of Beallsville, got down in a spring on last Wednesday, and smothered to death. Mrs. Wallace at Coal Valley, attempted to commit suicide ou Sunday, by drowning, but was prevented by her husband.

FESTIVAL. Hammond Division, No. 105, of T. will hold a berry, fruit and ice cream festival ou Tuesday evening, of July loth, at Sheplar's room. Main Street.

The public are cordially Invitod to attend. GRAND ENTERTAINMENT. An ice cream festival will be given in the Coal Bluff church, on Monday evening, July 16, 1888. The evening's entertainment will be enlivened with vocal and instrumental music, and the public cordially invited to attend, as a good time Is assured. Proceeds for the benefit of the P.

Church. By order of committee MAI 11)11. July 6th, at Washington. bv C. M-Ruple, Mr.

Win lleweltand U. Me Masters, bol of this city. July 7, by Benjamin Crow, Mr. Charles Beau ami Miss Ann Walker, all of the First ward. The brido only camo from England the lirst of last week.

tfwwwji.w.w,iMHiiMii.niiMW W. A. PATTERSON. KlJNRKAL DlliKCTOll, UNDKKTAKKK AN1 EM- BAI.mkh. Our equipment of hearses, shrouds, caskets, is full and complete to meet the wishes of relatives, no matter how expressed.

Main street. Moiiongahela City, Pa. FLIES AND MOSQUITOES Avoid all anuoyance bv these injects troublesome Ey Having Your Houses Fitted With A LARGE STOCK OF DIFFERENT SIZES ON HAND. ASH ORDhRS FILLED PROMPTLY. ALSO A LOT OF TIIE FINEST OAKS EVER SEEN IN THE CITY.

AT McCUBDY'S HARDWARE STORE, NOTIt TO TKACHKItf. ThA School Hoard of i'nlon Townsliln. will meet at liastonvlile, on KltlDAV, Jl'LY 27. 1MSS, at 2 p. to elect thirteen teachers for the coming term, salary 10 per months term six moil Hit.

Applications to be scut, to the secretary of lie Hoard. N. Mi NORTON. I'rM't. S.


Lisa, 'attokney-at-law, Office la Young's Baildinc eit to Ton Ha WASHINGTON. PA. JAMESalaTim ATTORN EY-AT-LAW- I.Vi FIFTH AVKXI FITTSIll HOII. PA. 4VWill practice in the courts ot Alleghen and Washington.

counties, ap. 23.e CJHAS. G. M'lLVAIN. ATTOR EY-AT-LA W.


WILLIAMS. NOTARY PUBLIC. PISE, LIFS and ACCIDENT INSURANCE OFFICE, CORNER FOURTH MAIN ST8. Monongaliela City, Pa. Collections made, loan negotiated.

Estates settled, Property rented, Rent collected. Deeds, Wills, written. Business promptly attended to. Steamship Tickets aud Foreign Exchange to or from any part of the world. JOHN L.

GOW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WASHINGTON. PA. Collections made and all other legal buslntv promptly attended to. The business of utors. Administrators and other Trustees pecially solicited.

yyiLLMm ulakklkv. A TTORjSE Y-A T-LA W. No. 152 Fifth Avenue. Near Grant Street.


PHYSIO MEDICAL PHYSICIAN Office -153 W. Main St. MONONGAHELA CITY, KNN QEO. STATHERS, DENOTE. First door below Alexander's Bank.

Teeth extracted without pain. Monongahela Citv, Penn'a, At Finloy ville every Wednesday. II.V1LMMS, MONONGAHELA CITY Messenger Service Pittsburg Heauquarteks 539 Wood St. Monongahela City Ollice with R. Williams Jersey Lilty and Housekeeper's Pride FLOCKS, A Pull Line of Groceries.

To bacco and Cigars. Marvin's Crackers and Cakes. Kirk's Finest Toilet Soaps, Rising Sua Grocery. Monongahela City, March 31. Garden Field Seeds.

Directly from the Grower! IN BULK OR PACKAGES. CORN HUSKSTOR BEDDING. HAY, FEED and FLOUR, Garden and Farm Implements. W. O.

HODILL CO. Monongahela City, Marcti 10. Low Cash prices on Queensware, Glassware and Groceries. Fine Teas a specialty at W. E.

CARROLL'S, NEXT BUILDING TO OPERA UOUSK. MonoiiRahela City, Feb. 27, POP POP And other kinds of soft, drink delivered on short notice, to Mores, Picnics, Houlal gather nigs at he lowest, wholesale pi ics, without freight charges, Jacob Snider, Ag't. Carrnlton and Monongahela Citv, June 1, IHsh -iu. WkDDINO Frlt.lii toorter Una "liitiuiiiry, kihnI work, fair liricM aP onion contldoiitial, at the ollio of Una FNr.

Ibis Poor 'Man Entire!) Busted. I'E NEVER Won. Take advi a nl now see where he is dead brk. He was told often and often to come to I.ANDKKKI.I) Clothing house, and save his money gft-ting his suits at 25iercenf lower than ot hers were selling at but no. he wonld not.

and the end has mine. Such is the result of buvinesliod-ily clot him; at hand niedowu shots. YOUR HEAD. MLWATCH FOR BARGAINS. We have all sorts of Summer Goods, and the best of everything in the line el cool things.

Come now we won't let von go away on mt if price money is nothing this not weather. H. LAWDEFELD MERCHANT TAILOR. MAIN STREET. MONONGAHKLA CITY, PA.

TjIOK SALE. A fine top buegv. built by l' llays Washington, reliable and substan, will be sold at a bargain. Apply to. D.

T. CHKSsKOWN-Houston's Run July 5, 6t NOTlf'K to TEACH Hits. The School Board of Somerset township will meet a', the Vaneeville school house, on SATURDAY, Al'Gl'ST 4TH, 1SSS, at one o'clock, p. to employ eight teachers for a term of six mouths. Wages to per monl h.

W. R. McILVAlN Secretary, Vaneeville, Pa. No I ickto TKA.CM Kits, The Board of Education of Forward Township will meet at Forward School house. JULY 21.

2 o'clock P. to elect 10 teachers for the coming vear. Term of school, 6 months. Wages to J40 per month DANIELS. DUNN.

President William W. Ikwin, Secretary. Juue pxs NOTICE TO TEACH KKS Carroll Township School Board meet SATURDAY, JULY 14. 1S8S. at Hotel Wilgus.

2 o'clock to elect 12 teachers for the ensuing term of six months. Wages to J40 as to experience and qualifications. All applicants to be pieseut at election. Apuliva-tions to be sent to B. W.

CASTNErt, P. O. Box 44, Monongahela City Pa. June 25, 1381 Notice TO TEACHEits. The School Board of Allen Township, will meet ou Saturday, July Hth, isss, to elect ten teachers for a tt nil of six months; wages Mi per month also to receive bids lor coal for each house.

Address Secretary of the Beard. Speers, Washington County, Pa. NOTICE TO TEACH Board of Education of Monongahela City will receive applications until JULY 10, 1K88, for one principal, one assistant principal, and fourteen teachers. Certificates and applications must be sent the Secretary on or before the above mentioned date. By order of the Hoard.

T. S. Me' URDY, President. J. T.

ARMSTRONG. Sec'y. Monongahela Citv, June 14, 1S8S. NOTICE TO school board of North Strabane township, will meet on Saturday, July II, 18S8, to elect seven teachers, for the term of seven month: wages per month. Address Secretary of the Board, box ltfo, Canonsburg, Pa.

June 8, 1888. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. The School Board of West Pike Run Township will meet at Clover Hill School House, on SATUR DAY, LY 21, 1888. at 1 oclock p. to em ploy 7 teachers for a term of six mouths, wages per month.

Also, at tae same time. contracts will be let for furnishing coal at the different school houses. J. B. GRAVES, Sec.

N.J. COIL. Tieas, June 3, isss. I PROPOSALS FOR COBBLE STONE PA V-INO. Scaled bids will be received by the Citv Controller until the of July, 18S8, to do such cobble stone paving as the city may require, in conformity with au ordinance, (no.

4. File of Select Council) approved by the Mavor June 1888. Specifications may be seen or furnished on application to the Contruller, or Mayor Grable. WM. J.

ALEXANDER. City Controller. Monongahela Citv July 2. 1888. FBESH MEATS DAILY.

Prime Fresh Steaks Roats, MUTTON, I'Ollit nml VKA SmiMiigi: III Season! The Best Meats onlv shops next door below City Block, nearly opposite the Post Of lice. LEONARD AUGHENDOBLKR. Monongahela Citv, May 0, 1885. JVFRYTIIING PRESCRIBED FOR TIIE SICK ROOM, Everything needed for the TOILET TABLE, AND All kinds of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Per. turnery, Soaps, Brushes, Sponges, Mt'CALLlSTEH'S DRUG STORE.

rs. C. E. TJilson. Has now in st ck a la.ige supply of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS.

Children's Hats, Ladies' Misses' Bonnets and Hats, Trimed tbe Latest Style. call and examine, 3Wi Main Street. Monongahela Citv. Pa. First door above Central Block, opposite Alexander's Bank.

"VTO K. To horn it may concern: J.1 Now therefore. It becomes needful to notirv tho public that my wife MaRY. res. dent in Union township, Washington Count y.

Is not authorized to contract debts In my name, for any purpose whatever! and that Any such debts, so contracted, on or lifter this date, will not bn paid by mu. All this for cei utn reasons which may hereatler he fully set 1 1 inn. ABRAHAM LKE Union Township. w. FLOUR ON HAND.

AT M. E. GROCERY. lmriaL Perkins. Ocean Spray.

Kammerer. Eclipse. Brownsville. K. Kisej-.

Pittsburg. Sun tttiine.Carmacks. Vienna Patent. T.C.Jenkins. White River.

Irish Patent. 38 St. Flour. Whitmyre Co. Iron City Mills Patent, And Magnolia for 4th July cakes.

These are standard flours. J.S. WILGUS. rl! i'( 3 I 6ft na my Friend. Glad to see You When did you reach Pittsburg, eh Sold your stuff, eh? Want a cool Summer suit, en? Well come right along to Husky's and get a tip top suit." "Excuse me I am not that kind of a Husky in mine, noCoughmen.

either, lean get a number one suit In Monongahela City, better and cheaper from my McGREGOR, and Mac always uses me right, gives me a bargain, and is right there any dav I want to have anything fixed. More than that, his thin clothing is properly s'laped and does not harg like a rag. The ARCADE suits me; good day." Straw Hats. Neckwear. Underwear, Manv prices and qualities unusual bargains now offered.


F. SANDERS, Proprietor. Monongahela City, May, 20t t. TOST- A bunch of keys, on a ring, between the depot and Central Block. The tinder will be rewarded by leaving them at this ollice tIhTfine trotting bred stallion Willis Wilkes.

Belonging to John Sheplar, will be at Monongahela Citv Driving Park on Fridays and Saturdays during the season of 1888. This horse is so well known by horse owners i this section, as to need no further announcement. May 17, 1889-t. f. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY Five girls for general housework.

Apply at ouce to MILLER'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Swickard Block, Main St. Monongahela City, April 28 NOT ICE, -TO THE- Tax-Papers of Washington County. California and East Pike RunMonday, July si. at California.

Coal Cenire and East Pike Run Tuesday, July 10. at Coal Centre. Woods Run Wednesday, July 11, till 12 m. Allenport Wednesday, July 11, 1 to 5 pm. Lock No.

4 Thursday, July 12, till 2 p. in. There will be an abatement of FIVE PER CENT, made on all taxes paid on or before the 1st ol August. Mercantile licenses are due May 1st, and all remaining unpaid on July 1st will be promptly collected by legal process. All persons wishing information about their taxes or sending monev bv mail for payment ot taxes or licenses, must enclose stamps for the return of receipts or information.

All persons having business at, the Treasurer's Ollice during the month of June and until Julv Lt, will please notice that the ollice wilt he open on Saturdays onlv. A. S. KAGLESON, County Treasurer. Prudence -Equity Temperance Union be prudent and secure a Benefit Certilicate in the Equitable Aid Union, Monthly Assessments at the ago of years: 25 cents secures $7lH); SO cents secures tl 400; $1 00 secures (2 800; Payable at death.

PARTIAL ENDOWMENT, At the ageof physical disability one half Hie amount of the benefit certificate is paid For further Information enquire of officers of Union 350. W.E CARROLL, Secretary. N.N. PATTON.dldteal Examlnei PKKKOXAL. Any one leaving the city during the summer can have the Daily mailed to them bv ordering It at this otllce, either In person or bv letter.

Terms, 10 cents per week, payable at the time of ordering. It costs but a trltlo to have the new daily from home. Address changed as often as desired. McAllister. SALE A.

KXeilAXGK AND KKKD STAULK Removed to the Bailey Stables, opposite School House, Fourth Monongahela City, Pa. WBnnrdlng or Horses by the day or we T. McALLISTE A.T 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 7 Shire Oafct 0 0 1 4 1 Lotus 2 0 3 0 2 1 Suruck 4ut-By Smith. by MitehtlL 5. notes.

Smith put up an elegant game in the box for the home team, aud was as ool as h-iele in January. He didn't get rattled, but pitched the wor-t ball to hit Mj ire (Inks gone tip for many a day. Some of the heaviest bat 1 ers in thatleam "measured spae" to perfection. Twiee with three men on bases, Smith struck the third man out at the plate. Shatier caught Smith in elegant style, and only had one passed ball, but it did no harm, lie plays a 'great game be hind the hut.

ucd should lie kept there permanently. lie works hard for the success of the club, and with a little more practice will make a No. 1 player. Calbraith made his lirst appearance with the home team on Saturday, and while he didn't show up very heavy at the bat, played the finest lidding game ever put up around these parts. Steve is a star, and when he gets his eye on the ball, look out.

What's the matter with Kern?" Oh, he's all right. His daring base running was a feature of the game, and his field and stick work were both good. He'll do. Captain Stricklcr had his Hi en well in hand, played tliem in god shape, and besides that covered first base in good style. Story at second, was there every time, and played to win.

The outfield, Moore. T.oss and Stringer, took care of everything that came their way, and backed up bases in good style. The game was certainly the most ex citing ever played in the city, and the ionic boys deserve credit tor tiie excel-ent work tliev done, both ou the field mil at the bat. The boys will practice every evening, it me grounus are in lit condition. Killed Near (Piston viile.

On Friday a man was found dead at the end of the trestle, about a iniln aud a half east of tiastoiivilie, ou tho it U. K. K. The body was taken to that place and recognized as being tuai or letmie nouin-son, a coal miner, who worked in the mines at Snowdon, ou the li. O.

It is supposed that he hud been walking on the trestle and hail been struck by a passing train. I'lie lust time lie wus seen alive was on the evening of Juiy 4th. He was about 50 years old. The Coroner was notiliod rud held an inquest Ilunaway Accident. Miss Sadie Wickarham.

of Deeinstou, mot with uuite au accident ou Wednesday evening last, rirower Jttuiii) anil miss lckeiuain were returning home from an entertainment at lieallesville. When they arrived at Mit-s Wickerham's home, Mr. Hupp got out of tho butrgv to opeu the gate. While he wus opening the gate the horse ran oil' aud the 1 uggy upset, throw-inir Sadie out. Her face aud head weie badly cut aud bruised.

The buggy was a complete wreck. Orange lilossoins. An unusual number of weddings has festooned our little eily with orange blossoms through May aud June. The month of July will also continue to show the perennial potency of Cupid. The wedding of Mr.

Brubuker and Miss Sampson, announced for this week, will bo a quiet family affair. Another is to follow shortly, and then, with September, half a dozen more. Saturday night oil was struck at the Ninth street well in McKoesport. The crust of rock has just been touched, and the driller thinks that when the sand is penetrated a paying well will be the result. Considerable excitement prevails.

A large tank has been ordered aud will be put iu position in a few lavs. Thomas L. Ilul'ty, who has been visiting his son T. C. llufty for a week or ho, returned to his home in MonUeello, Indiana, this morning.

He is a Democrat, knows (iuti. Harrison very well, and esteems him highly, but says he will not carry Indiana, which ho will. Andy McAllister's mare, Mary W. won second money, in the trot at White Hall on Satun ay last. She won tho first heat, and would probably have taken lirst money, but she hit herself on tho boot; as it was she hustled the winner, I loin Pedro, in line style finishing first, only being beat ubout a heck.

Sleepy George, a Wanliing-ton, horso, won the free-for-all pace. On Saturday hist at the opening of the Cycle und Athletic Club's Park in Pittsburg, W. 11. Benxell, formerly of Biiinls station, won the loo-yard, the 410-yai'd, aud oue-half luile race. Mr.

Colhray has been given contract to excavate for the foundations of the water works pump house, and begun work thereon, on Saturday. In the debute on the improvements of tho Moiiongahebi river, our repi usentative, Hon. Iscar L. Jackson, spoke in favor of tho bill, niul warmly advocated tho pass-ago of the mensure. N.

F. Jones, the Pittsburg iron master, is building colt age at Cresson. a.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 6091

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.